The automated attendant is the one that manages calls, messages, voicemails and faxes. It is able to manage all of these communication applications efficiently. It also handles the answering services of your telecommunication. It answers calls professionally with customized greeting messages. You can customize the answering service depending on the day or time.
Forwarding of calls, messages, voicemails and facsimiles is also facilitated by the automated attendant. It helps guarantee that the call will be forwarded to the appropriate contact number extension. It also ensures that no calls will be misdirected or misplaced. Any communication application that is unanswered will be forwarded to the voicemail inbox. This process is also handled by the automated attendant.
Calls that are sent to the voicemail inbox can later be played out when you are available to take the call. When a call has been sent to your voicemail inbox, notification messages will be sent to your phone, email and online account. This is part of the message services that the automated attendant provides for your business. This would keep you informed of all the communication transaction that has transpired within your company.
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