A contact number such as this will enable you to boost the quantity of your incoming calls. The rise in the number of incoming calls would more than double the number that your company previously receives. This is because prospect customers and other individuals will be enticed by the free call charges. You will no longer have a hard time recruiting new customers. Prospect clients will be calling your company, saving you the trouble of looking for them yourself.
Toll free numbers are non-geographic numbers. This means that they are not connected to any local area code phone number. These numbers can use any area code number. It permits you to select the area code of any location for your business. Even the area code number of places that are halfway around the world can be yours. Any place in the world can be called locally with toll free numbers.
Apart from toll free telephone numbers, your company would also be given with several other telecommunication features by your virtual PBX system. Internet fax, voicemail, automated attendant, call screening, caller ID and call forwarding among many others.
The company offers reliable and affordable Toll Free PBX services with no double billing. Visit http://www.telcan.net/tollfree/