Its reliability to the Internet is the reason why it is also referred to as the Internet fax service. When sending and receiving a fax via the Internet, you would have to access your email first. It is in your email where all of the fax transactions happen, from fax to email and email to fax operations. Everything related to your fax operation is done in your email.
Your customers will have the luxury of being able to send their faxes to your company even beyond your office hours. This is because your fax telecommunication will always be functional and never needs any rests or breaks. Fax that is sent after office hours will be directed to your voicemail inbox.
You will receive a notification message on your mobile phone, home phone number, email and online account when a fax has been forwarded to your voicemail inbox. This keeps you informed of all the facsimile transactions that have transpired in your company. Sending fax online is also convenient for your part because it allows you to send and receive faxes while you are traveling.
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