Phone routing is one of the many useful features of this type of telephone system. Along with voicemail, caller ID, and auto-attendant; call routing helps offices prioritize and handle calls as they come. A call routing system will help in directing calls to the right personnel or department and it will lessen any disarray in call delivery. It will ensure that important messages are directed to the recipient as soon as possible and will make anyone available any time and any place necessary.
It is often encountered, in the case of huge companies, that customers, clients and external contacts misdial numbers. As a result, they get in touch with the wrong people, and end up wasting time and effort on both ends. There are also instances when the personnel sought after are on vacation, or are momentarily out of the office for lunch. Callers, who contact them, would then have to wait for their return, or trust that those they have left messages to will promptly relay it. Reversely, those personnel who are expecting calls from important people would then have to go through the stress of missing them or the possibility of not being relayed the message on time. This imposes a big problem in productivity and profit.
With the phone routing feature however, companies need have to worry about these problems as it would help in simplifying the management of incoming calls. Keying in the right extension, the call receptionist, or the caller themselves can correctly ring their intended contacts, without any further delay. And for users who are going on a trip or going out for lunch, they can temporarily set routing feature to a specific time frame so any calls in the office phone may be received via home or mobile lines. It is really very simple to use, and convenient to apply for any company. So make sure that you are provided with this feature when you avail of a PBX phone system.
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