Calls that are made via the click to call will always ring to your company’s main contact number. It will only be transferred to another contact number in the event that the call is not answered on the first number. The process of transferring of calls to another number will only stop if the call is answered or if it is forwarded to the voicemail inbox. Calls will only be forwarded to the voicemail inbox if it is not attended to after several rings.
The dial by name system is another telecommunication service that is able to help your clients reach your business. By mentioning the first or last name of the person your customers are looking for, they will be transferred immediately to the contact number that is registered to the individual that they are searching. This permits you to cut time in having to forward calls in different contact numbers.
Both of these communication services can be found in a virtual telephone. If you want to get a hold of these outstanding telecommunication features then you should avail of a virtual telephone system for your business.
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