PBX phone systems are not only employed by most businesses just because of their affordability but the main reason is the features that they present to any company that would utilize them. The features of a PBX phone gives your communication system the same functionality of corporate phone systems used by big businesses. Its features include voice mail, call forwarding, automated attendant, caller ID, call blocking, call screening, call transfer, email fax and many more.
One of the most helpful feature of a PBX phone is its voice mail service. This type of service will enable your company to provide your customers with a system where they can leave their calls, messages and facsimiles. It is a feature that comes in handy when you are not around your office to attend to the them. All of these communication processes will then be forwarded to your voice mail inbox where they are stored.
You can have access to your voice mail inbox by simply dialing your voice mail number using any communication device. This allows you to view and monitor all the calls, messages and faxes that have been sent to your company even if you are on the road. You will be able to attend to the concerns of your customers from any location at any given time.
The business voice mail service will also allow you to concentrate more on your ongoing work without being interrupted by any sudden calls, messages or faxes. You have more control of your business communication system with a voice mail service from your PBX phone system.
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