You can also modify the answering rules of your phone answer system to suit the needs of your business. This feature comes in handy when you are currently away on a business trip. You can use this system to inform your clients about why you are not in your office. It can also be used to notify them about your estimated time of return from your travel. Instructing your clients of how to contact you can also be included. Services as such the dial by name and the click to call system will enable your customers to reach you regardless of your current location.
Giving your clients the option of being able to contact you will make them feel important. It also removes the negative feeling of being neglected that might led to losing a customer. Of the two services that can be employed to contact you, the dial by name service is more efficient. It provides your customers with a dial by name directory. Clients will not have to wait long because their calls are not forwarded from one number to another. Their calls will be directly connected to your contact number.
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