An affordable and reliable business phone system is what small and medium businesses needs to be able to compete with multinational companies. These type of business telephone systems provide the same features and functionality of corporate telephone systems that are employed by big businesses. The main difference between these communication systems is that the former is considerably much cheaper than the latter, making it a perfect phone for small and medium enterprises. Among the main services offered by both of these communication systems are voicemail, Internet fax and toll free numbers among many others.
The voicemail feature would enable you to attend to the calls of your customers without having to actually answer the call yourselver. Your voicemail system will be the one to answer the calls of your clients. Voicemail messages can also be modified to fit specific needs of your clients. Recording of answers to frequently asked questions or introducing new products and services of your company can be included in your voicemail message. A standard voicemail service will also provide you with a voicemail inbox. Calls, messages and faxes can be stored in the voicemail inbox.
Another service that would be beneficial for your company is the Internet fax. This service permits you to process fax transmissions without the aid of a fax machine. You will be using your email to send and receive facsimile documents. You can save more on your fax expenses using this fax service because it can perform fax operations without fax papers, inks or toners that are required in traditional fax machines.
Toll free numbers are also another feature that would help improve your company's communication system. These numbers are specially made to entice customers to call your business. A call made to your organization will be free for the calling party. A business toll free number would certainly increase the number of your incoming calls because of its free call offer.
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