One way of keeping your customers informed of the goings-on in your company without actually talking to them is by employing a music on hold service. This service is instantly activated when callers are put on hold. The music that will be played on the phone will depend on your choice. Playing a music background on the phone will help keep your clients to stay on the phone. It is better than hearing nothing at the other end of the line.
Callers who hear nothing will feel that they are unimportant and neglected. This does not bode well for your company since these clients might hang up the phone. You will not only lose possible profit from the calls but you might also lose those customers as well. Purchasing of a music on hold system will help you prevent this from ever happening to your business. By playing music on the phone, your customers will feel assured that their calls are still going to be attended to.
Apart from reducing the risks of abandoned calls, being able to play music on the phone will also give your company with several advantages. It helps you project a professional image and allow you to create an excellent first impression on your callers. The music on hold service can also be customized just like other telephone greetings.
You can also add messages aside from the initial music. You can create a message that would answer the frequently asked questions of your customers. Introducing of new products and services can also be included in the message that you intend to play for your clients. The flexibility of this service is the same to that of custom telephone greetings.
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