1.) Accessibility – This is the first and foremost factor of a business phone number that you need to keep a close look at. A business phone number that provides unlimited access to callers no matter what time or day it is will bode well for your business. This not only gives your customers convenience in being able to contact you anytime but also sends them a message that their calls are always important to your organization.
2.) Portability – This is another thing that you must secure when looking for a business phone number. If you have a contact number that is portable you will always be able to exchange information with patrons from any location. You will never be worrying about missing a call because your communication system is always with you. One example of a phone number that is portable is the 1 800 number because it is a non-geographic number.
3.) Efficiency – This factor can be measured by the features that the phone number provides and the effect that it has for your company. It does not always mean that a phone number that has more features will be better for your business because the benefits that can be derived from these services will also depend on the nature of your business.
4.) Marketability – This should be always considered when you are looking to make an instant impact and be noticed by clients right away. A phone number that is able to help you with this is the toll free phone number. This type of contact number can provide your business with vanity numbers that you can use to promote your company’s products and services.
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